Vaginal Rejuvenation with the Orgasm Shot® (O-Shot®)

Improve urinary incontinence, sensitivity, and the ability to achieve an orgasm with the O-Shot.

Intimate Wellness At Its Finest


What is the Orgasm Shot (O-Shot)?

If you’re a woman who struggles with diminished sensitivity, inability to achieve an orgasm, or urinary incontinence, the O-Shot may be a solution for you. The O-Shot, also known as the Orgasm Shot, is a patented treatment for increased sexual pleasure, reduction of urinary incontinence, and improved vaginal lubrication.

The O-Shot is a non-surgical treatment that uses your body’s own blood-derived growth factors to rejuvenate your vaginal tissue. More specifically, the O-Shot:

  • Increases the blood circulation in your vaginal area
  • Promotes the production of collagen and elastin which stimulates new cell growth
  • Helps tighten the vaginal tissue
  • Increases sensitivity and frequency of orgasms
  • Improves vaginal dryness
  • Decreases pain during sex
  • Enhances orgasms

How Does the Orgasm Shot (O-Shot) Work?

  1. We begin the O-Shot procedure with a simple blood draw from your arm.
  2. Then we separate out some of your plasma, which contains a high concentration of growth factors and protein. This takes about 15 minutes at the office.
  3. Before injection, we will use a special cream to numb your vaginal area as well as a small needle to anesthetize the nerves leading to the clitoris. Then, a small needle is used to carefully and gently place precise amounts of your body’s own blood-derived growth factors back into your numbed vaginal area to repair damaged cells, stimulate blood flow, and promote collagen and elastin production.
  4. The healing and growth factors cause new cell growth and vascularization to occur over several months. Tissues become more supple, sensitive, and elastic. They thicken and produce more lubrication when stimulated, enhancing the female orgasm and pleasure.

Am I a Candidate for the Orgasm Shot (O-Shot)?

The O-Shot is an excellent solution for many women dealing with urinary incontinence or sexual health issues, such as vaginal dryness, decreased pleasure, or pain during intercourse. This gentle and minimally invasive treatment allows patients to return home and resume their regular activities immediately.

To determine if the O-Shot is right for you, schedule a consult with one of our specialists at REDEEM. During your consultation, we will review your medical history and talk with you to understand your concerns. Then we’ll work with you to determine if this is the best treatment to address your needs.


With the O-Shot, you can expect tighter vaginal tissue, an increase in sensitivity and frequency of orgasms, improved vaginal dryness, and a decrease in pain during sex. Plus, we believe you’ll experience a more confident and beautiful you!

About 60% of women improve after the first O-Shot and about 85% are thrilled after their second O-Shot. It typically takes about 12 weeks to enjoy the full effect.

The Orgasm Shot (O-Shot) FAQs

The O-Shot is virtually painless. We will numb the area with a cream first before using a gentle needle to anesthetize the nerves leading to the clitoris. You may feel a slight pinch or warm sensation. Although every client’s experience is different, most experience only minor discomfort. There is no downtime after the procedure.

Because the O-Shot uses your own blood, it’s a natural process the body will not reject and there is no chance of an allergic or immune reaction.

The numbness on the affected area will generally fade quickly. You will want to wear a panty liner for spotting, and no douching or tampons for 48 hours. Be sure to stay hydrated. You can resume sexual activity the same day.

One of the primary purposes of the O-Shot is to increase sensitivity, improve vaginal dryness, and enhance orgasms. Most women begin to experience heightened sensation in the first 3-7 days, but full results are usually enjoyed after three months.

Most women report that their partner notices the benefits of not only the procedure, but of their increased confidence as well.

Pricing varies; please contact us for more information on pricing and payment plans.